Thomas Dambo

Thomas Dambo Biography

Thomas Dambo is considered the world’s leading recycle artist, having been taught from a young age the value of recycling, sustainability, and unlimited imagination. Before embarking on the path of building larger-than-life sculptures, Thomas lead a multifaceted life that allowed him to express his creativity via music, street art, and scenic design. After graduating from the Kolding Design School with a master’s degree in interactive design, Thomas began his current journey of using recycled materials to create colourful art installations, building the foundation for his artwork today.
Thomas’ high level of creativity, design acumen and versatility drive the creation of highly interactive experiences, allowing users to express their own individuality on a large scale. This philosophy can be found in works such as his Happy Alphabet, Happy Wall and Future Forest.
From vibrant gardens made of recycled plastics to a functioning DIY Christmas market made from commercial refuse, Thomas creates experiences that are immersive, interactive, and awe-inspiring. Today, Thomas is known internationally for his larger-than-life troll sculptures that are a part of his project “The Trail of A Thousand Trolls” that are all made from recycled wood. With 87 sculptures all over the world, these trolls have begun to have a life of their own. Popping up in Denmark, USA, France, Germany, China, South Korea, Chile, and many more on the way, the message of sustainability and unlimited imagination has reached millions through in person visits, shared photos, and media coverage.
Thomas’ vision is to create art that inspires people to go explore, have adventures in nature, and demonstrates that trash can be turned into something beautiful.
Image : Zack & The Shama- With Thomas Dambo Seated At Front