
Sperrins (Glenelly): Saturday 17th September

Walk Time Registration Point

Challenging: ‘Saints and Sinners-
the origins of Badoney’ Carnanelly-
Ougthmore- Goles 12km
9am Watts Bar, Plumbridge
Cost: £5
This route will be over open hill-side, with a small proportion on tracks, and participants should be comfortable with sustained hiking on moorland and upland countryside. Explore the importance of Badoney in the foundation of the early Christian church in Ireland


Moderate: Bog Dreams Ireland’s Glacial Past’
Craignamaddy Loop (8-10km) 10am
Watts Bar, Plumbridge
Cost: £5

This walk follows the old track over Craignamaddy above the town of Plumbridge and loops back into the village on minor roads. It is suitable for fit people accustomed to ascents and descents and will include input from a local expert on bog-land habitats and their significance for carbon capture.


Easy: Foraging your path to Health’-
Balix Boardwalk and Loop (6km)
11am Watts Bar, Plumbridge
This route includes the Balix Board-Walk and is part-trail and part-minor road around the circumference of Balix Hill between the Butterlope and Altishane. Suitable for all ages, it will include input by a local expert on forageable plants at the time of year.

